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Rector Road, near Montague Inn

Rentals are available by day, week, or month in winter or summer. We are very busy during the peak snow season, so make your reservations early. Many of our regulars like to reserve a year in advance while they are here.

If you don't mind spending your winter vacation in a cramped motel next to a bar, with sleds, trucks, and people coming and going all night, no problem. There are a few such spots on or near the Tug, and we can direct you to some. Or if you like to "rough it" in a cabin or tent with your sleeping bag and no running water, no lights, and an outdoor toilet, enjoy. But if you are looking for something better, try Winteridge.

For more information, a brochure, or to reserve a date, contact Jim Northrup at (315) 363-7403 (home), (315) 363-5770 (work), or (315) 762-3752 (cell). Or click below to e-mail him.

Fun On The Tug

Click here to email Jim at home


If you can't reach Jim, try this address